Despite this being the top song...
This doesn't deserve to be there. It's too calm, I have seen WAAAY better. Though it's okay.
Despite this being the top song...
This doesn't deserve to be there. It's too calm, I have seen WAAAY better. Though it's okay.
Wait, if calmness is the problem... how come I've seen tons of classical stuff on the top 30 list, that usually are way more calm than this song? What a mystery...
Anywho thanks for the review!
It's good, but is a little too calm.
Then again, the original song could have been calm.
Thanks, i really aprecciate your feedback
Repsaj299 AKA Xenear AKA Intervented.. lol
I would like to tell you something you can improve on, but this is almost perfect!
Sweeett, thankss bro
unfortunately theres alot of ppl who like to zero bomb me
good review!^^
Best. SMW Remix. Ever.
:D Amazing!
You should make Song C. :D I loved all of it, especially the bass and beat.
It was great (much better than I can do) and the only reason for a 9 is because it sounded glitchy at times (but I gave you a 5 on the voting)
Joined on 12/21/09